Q & A with Alex Howes

Photo Credit: Jake Orness/Belgian Waffle Ride

Alex Howes is one of very few riders who represented only one team throughout his entire 15-year professional racing career. It speaks volumes about the man’s character and dedication in a world as tumultuous as professional cycling.  Howes turned professional with Jonathan Vaughters’ Slipstream organisation as a junior in 2007 and rode for the different guises of the team (Garmin, Cannondale, and EF) until December 2022.

Alex also plays an essential role in contemporary USA cycling. As such it’s difficult to introduce a cyclist of his calibre, persona, and influence on the sport in only a few words, but we’ll make it easy by quoting his long time team principle and friend Jonathan Vaughters:

“During Howes’ time as a professional, he won the U.S. Road Race National Championship in 2019 and a number of stages in races like the Colorado Classic and USA Pro Cycling Challenge. He also took to the start in five grand tours: two Tours de France, two Vueltas a España, and one Giro d’Italia”

“Alex has been on our team ever since he turned pro as a junior. He signed up with us in our second season. He’s helped us fill out UCI forms that helped us take the next step up to the pro tour, he’s given us his all in Grand Tours and monuments, been a trailblazer on our Alternative race program, but more than that, he’s been a friend and invaluable teammate to all”

Let’s find out what makes him tick:

  1. Who is Alex Howes?

Former professional road racer turned gravel/mtb/ultra racer. Father, husband, proud dog owner, casual human.

  1. Where is home?

        Nederland, CO

  1. When did you fall in love with bikes?

My father raced bikes when I was a kid and I’ve been in love with bikes since before I can remember. It’s always been something that seems to hold my attention despite all the time and energy I’ve put into it over the years. 

  1. What is it that attracts you to the sport?

 The speed, romance, intricacies, adventure, freedom. It just seems to have it all. At the top level it’s also a really interesting puzzle when trying to put together the perfect race. It always feels like a near impossible task so when things go right… magic. 

  1. Favourite Food? 

        Hot chili on a cold winter’s day. 

  1. Strangest food you were thinking of while riding? 

        Pulled pork sliders

  1. Lucky charm?

        My little girl

  1. What do you always take on a trip? 

 Dental Floss. There’s nothing worse than having something stuck in your teeth! 

  1. What would you be if you were not a racer?

        High School science teacher. 

  1. You’re favourite Squirt Cycling Product?

The Low Temp Chain lube. It seems to last forever and be much more effective than anything else I’ve tried for cold weather riding. 

  1. Best tip for MTB beginners?

        Keep your weight back! 

I like my coffee…black

I would love to go ride with…my buddy Kiel

The secret to happiness…take your time

My greatest exhilaration…hearing my little girl laugh 

I fear…boredom

Passion…finding big open spaces

When I wake up…coffee

I wish…people laughed more 

I rage……against long lines 

Rider Profile’s

  1. Name: Alex Howes
  2. Nickname: Howesy 
  3. Age: 35
  4. Birthdate 01/01/1988
  5. Birthplace: Denver, CO
  6. Height: 5’11"